
B.g. Thomas
Jul 3, 20247 min read
We Shall Overcome
Good Morning My Confidants In these rough times, with so much going on that's frightening, I hope it's still is find you well. I know...

B.g. Thomas
Jun 11, 20246 min read
Rising and .....
Good Morning My Confidants I hope this finds you happy and well. If you're not, I claim that for you. You deserve the best. That's my...

B.g. Thomas
Apr 21, 20248 min read
It's Only a Number (?)
Good Morning My Confidants I hope this finds you happy and well. Today is my 64th birthday. Wow. Where the hell did all the years go?...

B.g. Thomas
Apr 14, 20244 min read
Good Vibrations
Good Morning My Confidants I don't know if this is my favorite coffee time, but Sunday mornings is one of my favorites. Especially on a...

B.g. Thomas
Apr 8, 20245 min read
Total Eclipse of the....
Good Morning My Confidants! I hope it is lovely where you are today, especially if you are in the path of the eclipse. Here in Kansas...

B.g. Thomas
Mar 21, 20244 min read
Thursday Thoughts....
Good Morning My Confidants I hope this finds you happy and well! My hip is unhappy this morning, but my massage yesterday really helped...

B.g. Thomas
Mar 13, 20245 min read
Rambling About Mental Equivalents....
Good Morning My Confidants So, I got up at six to have coffee with Noah, and here it is nearly 8:00 and I don't know what I've...

B.g. Thomas
Mar 6, 20243 min read
Smile...I Dare You
Good Morning My Confidants I hope this finds you happy and blessed. I truly do. I hope you're feeling good this morning. It's the famous...

B.g. Thomas
Feb 29, 20245 min read
Happy Leap Day!
Good Morning My Confidants I hope this finds you well. Happy Leap Day! And Happy Birthday to all of you Leap Babies! Do I have any today?...